Monday, July 25, 2011

Arthur Conroy: Tragedy x 2

I came across a death record of my 2nd great grand uncle, Arthur Conroy, who died in Billerica, MA in 1864 at the age of 24.  Listed as the cause of death was "Acute Peritonitis".  Peritonitis can be a complication of cirrhosis of the liver, or it can caused by bacteria spilling into the abdominal cavity, either because of an ulcer, rupture or injury of some kind.

One year after Arthur died, his sister Rachael gave birth to a son out of wedlock.  She named him Arthur, no doubt as a tribute to her late brother.  In 1899, Arthur Conroy was shot dead by a woman who mistook him for an intruder, as he drunkenly tried to get into her house in the middle of the night.  He was 33.

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