Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Realization

That it's not a pleasant experience for some people to learn about their ancestors:
Like others, Hoess had to overcome fierce resistance within his own family, who preferred that he "not poke around in the past." Undeterred, he spent lonely hours at archives and on the Internet researching his grandfather.
Rudolf Hoess was in charge of Auschwitz from May 1940 to November 1943. He came back to Auschwitz for a short stint in 1944, to oversee the murder of some 400,000 Hungarian Jews in the camp's gas chambers within less than two months.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Carol, your blog is spectacular. It's the kind of thing I'm trying to do in mine. Yes, there are some skeletons you'll run across! I enjoyed reading about your family and keep up the good work. Regulator Jack
